Die Die My Darling a.k.a. Fanatic
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Matt G @christopherleeweb.com>
2003-06-29 17:32:23 UTC
On August 12th Columbia releases the Richard Matheson scripted Die Die
My Darling also known as " Fanatic " in Britain .
It's one of Hammers most interesting psychological tales and stars
Talulah Bankhead , Stefanie Powers and Donald Sutherland .
No extras to speak of but it will be in it's original screen ratio .
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Matt G
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S Alexander @christopherleeweb.com>
2003-06-29 17:33:51 UTC
Got this one off television (albeit about 15 years ago as it's very
rarely on TV now). Not a bad little thriller notable for a young
Donald Sutherland and Yootha (Geroge and Mildred) Joyce in minor

Miss Bankhead was apparently more trouble than Bette Davis ever was on
her 2 hammer outings. I think it may have been Bankhead's last film.
S Alexander
S Alexander's Profile: http://www.christopherleeweb.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=1560
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